What are Taurus’ character flaws, and what are their shortcomings in love?

Taurus Personality Flaws:

Self-centredness: a Taurus may be more concerned with their own needs and desires and may sometimes neglect the feelings and needs of others.

Excessive Realism: Taurus people may be overly concerned with material and practical benefits and may sometimes neglect emotional and spiritual needs.

Dislike of change: Taurus people tend to be stable and dislike frequent changes, which may result in them being less adaptable to new situations.

Slow to warm up: Taurus may take a long time to “warm up” when it comes to building relationships and expressing emotions, which may make them seem cold or distant in social situations.

Stubborn: Taurus people are very adamant about their opinions, and once they have decided on something, it is very difficult for others to change their minds.

Hot and Cold: Taurus may show emotional ups and downs, sometimes being enthusiastic and sometimes appearing cold, which may confuse their partners.

Insecure: Taurus may display stubbornness and obstinacy due to insecurity, which may lead them to adopt a defensive attitude in relationships.

Bullheaded: Taurus people may sometimes be too focused on details or even stubborn on certain issues and unwilling to accept other points of view or solutions.

Defensive: Taurus people don’t usually open up to others easily and may keep a distance until they feel the other person is trustworthy.

Possessive: Taurus people may show a strong sense of possessiveness towards people or things close to them, which can sometimes make them appear selfish or overly controlling.

Short-tempered: Although Taurus people usually don’t like to argue, they may show a more violent emotional reaction if provoked.

Lack of humour: Taurus may be too serious and not light-hearted enough in their dealings, which may affect their approachability at social events.

Taurus shortcomings in love:

The stubbornness of Taurus is known to everyone, and sometimes it makes people wonder if they are love insulators. Because before the formal decision, always show carelessness, the heart is actually in the plan, not fully grasp is not willing to show, which has become a dead end of their love, and still can not be changed, for this reason, Taurus to pay the price is often have a love.

Falling out like cold treatment. For their own fault in the first contradiction, taurus people choose the probability of cold war is not high; but for the other half of the first contradiction, cold treatment is the first choice of taurus.

Hesitation and procrastination. Taurus is often in a passive position with regard to relationships. Because they are always indecisive, for the feelings of the complete lack of that decisive for the money. They always have to think twice before falling in love, all aspects have to be considered thoroughly before they dare to start a relationship. Cautious, cautious, very often will miss the good luck.

Do not take the initiative. They will sometimes quite envious of Aries unrestrained character, not only can talk, but also often in crisis, but if he is called to become that way he will feel unbearable. Taurus always feel that love is too far away. Even now he has a love object, he also felt that the two people between the shortcomings of what, but they will not take the initiative to change.

Romance is precious, but reality is more expensive. They believe that relationships must be based on bread, so they don’t agree with crazy romances. In love, the golden calf is most worried about whether the two can have a future, the economic problem is what they care about the most. But think too much is difficult to find the fun of love, advise Taurus friends or go with the flow is better.

Taurus in love in the possessive is relatively strong. They hope that they and their lovers are wholeheartedly belong to each other only, eyes can not tolerate a little sand. For Taurus, it is easier to pay money than to ask him to give his heart. Taurus tends to love the most just themselves, pragmatic them, in love with the performance of the more realistic, they are the most important, the other are accessories.

Taurus is too stubborn, he likes to guess each other’s ideas. His wild guesses coupled with his obsession leads to Taurus will be unhappy.