What is Cancer’s view of love? Is he a womaniser?

Cancerians are very devoted in love and once they fall in love with someone, they will love them wholeheartedly.

Cancerians are very dependent on the other person in their relationship and they will treat the other person as their dependence. However, when a Cancer stops loving you, they no longer need your care and support, and they no longer see you as their dependant. They may start living independently and make you feel strong for them.

Cancer people are very passionate in their relationships and they will care and look after each other in every way possible. However, when a Cancer stops loving you, they can become very cold and stop taking an active interest in your life and being there for you. They may start distancing themselves from you and make you feel their indifference.

Cancerians are very planned in their relationships and they make detailed plans for the future. However, when a Cancer stops loving you, they are no longer willing to plan the future with you or make any plans for your future. They may start avoiding the topic, making you feel their uncertainty.

Cancerians are very tolerant in their relationships and will make excuses for the other person’s mistakes and irrational behaviour. However, when a Cancer stops loving you, they are no longer willing to tolerate everything about you, and they will begin to nitpick at your behaviour and words, making you feel their resentment.

Cancerians value family and intimacy and will share their lives with those closest to them. However, when a Cancer no longer loves you, they are no longer willing to share bits and pieces of their life with you or care about your likes and dislikes. They may begin to keep their distance and make you feel alienated from them.

Cancer’s most ideal love is a long flow of water, and does not need to be how sensational, but must be able to maintain for a long time, simply put, they need is not a moment touched by love, they want more is the other side of the slow time to show their love, so that the Cancer people in the face of feelings is particularly serious, serious about a person serious about a relationship, unless the other half of the betrayal otherwise they will be The other half of the betrayal or else they will always stick to it.

Cancer people want to love is two people even if they don’t talk when they don’t feel awkward, think this is the most ideal state of love, this state is also need to your feelings for each other to a certain state will wear, two people if you can stay together quietly, sometimes don’t talk silently hugging each other, this feeling is like they can have the whole world, breathing can feel the flavour of the other person, you understand. Each other’s flavour, you understand me I also understand you, two people can have their own small life.

Cancer people within the heart of the most beautiful love is two people can trust each other unconditionally, that is the two people love each other in the highest realm, a lot of love is because of each other do not trust and separate, with this trust, even if other people want to plug in is no way to plug in, there is no thing can be separated from you, but this is also need to be the two people together to work hard, a person is no way to complete, only believe in each other to be able to do it, but also to be the most important thing is that the two people can be separated. The only way to accomplish this is to believe in each other to be able to keep the love going.