What is a Virgo boy and Libra girl pairing like?

Both have a meticulous and sensitive personality, there will be a lot of inner drama scenes, is a very delicate human duel, and the Virgin’s indecisiveness and Libra’s wavering seems to show that you have a tendency to fight endlessly, good to go to explore from each other’s inner world, the important issue of the relationship between each other, and do not keep on discussing it, and can not come to a conclusion.

Libra girls long for others to love them like goddesses, they love to be worshipped and looked up to. However with Virgins, since Virgins often treat others with exceptional harshness, they are usually outspoken in their criticism of Libra’s shortcomings. This is like a pot of cold water poured over the Libra’s head, dashing their enthusiasm for the Virgins. Virgo and Libra are both thinking people, but Libra is a little less calm and analytical than Virgo. So the scales pay attention not to argue with them, also don’t think too much, the virgins speak is definitely for the good of the scales. In addition, as long as the scales are honest with them, the virgins will definitely give the scales a lot of space, and will not tie them down.

Virgins are not so easy to have good results on the road of love, but Libra is a good choice for them, of course a big deciding factor to succeed or not is to see how the Virgins behave. Because Virgo boys are sour type of people, like to comment on things around, so the first acquaintance, the two are very easy to talk to each other, but in the next development of the relationship, Libra will be tired of virgins from time to time to point out the shortcomings of their body, and the two are not active, they will go with the flow of the relationship. Often times both parties will just stay at the level of talking without taking any real action.

Virgo guys can take a long logical conversation from Librans for a long time before they pick up the needle and face the scales. In fact, it’s not for nothing that Virgos can be attracted to Libra; they both like rationality and harmony, and they both have refined tastes and are lovers of developing intelligence. This makes it easy for two similar people to identify with each other. However, the delicate and resolute virgins have to be clear that Libra and virgins can be two different types of archetypes. One has to think twice before starting.

Libra girls like to create love traps and then let others jump into them, but they don’t want to be tied down or chained up themselves. Virgins have always believed that responsibility, form, process, and motivation should all be the same, and that if you don’t want to suffer the consequences, don’t do it, especially in matters of affection. So Libra girls shouldn’t mess with Virgo easily if they haven’t thought about whether they really like Virgo guys or else the Libra’s playful attitude is tantamount to playing with their feelings for them.

A relationship of mutual respect, elegance and mutual intellectual stimulation may be established between the two. Air class Libra loves concepts, and the order that is vital to Virgo; Virgo loves quality, and the formal and conceptual beauty that is vital to Libra.

You would make an excellent pair in business or creative endeavours because you are clear-headed and objective thinkers who do not act impulsively. Neither of you enjoys heated emotional scenes, so your arguments are polite and mostly rationally explained. This may be a good thing at times.

However it can also be a problem because together you may try to hide very difficult emotional issues in the hope that rationality will make them go away, but it’s a risk, and they won’t go away unless you both learn to be more forthright in expressing emotional needs.

Neither of you is good at expressing anger, which can lead to secret resentment or create an icy atmosphere. Passion can also cause you to panic, as neither of you likes to lose control, but sometimes losing control will help you to release repression and defuse conflict.