What are Libra cons and pros?

Libra Flaws:

Caring too much about what others think leads to loss of self
Librans are highly socially gifted, they are good at communicating with people and handling relationships well. However, this ability also becomes a burden for them to a certain extent. Libra is overly concerned about what others think and always tries to meet everyone’s expectations, but often ends up losing themselves.
In interpersonal interactions, Librans are easily influenced by the emotions of others, and they often suppress their true thoughts in order to maintain a harmonious atmosphere. Although this behaviour can briefly avoid conflict, in the long run, Libra will feel physically and mentally exhausted, and even doubt themselves.

Over-idealisation leads to realistic dilemmas
Libra people are full of good expectations of the world, and they long to live in a harmonious and just environment. However, the reality is often not as good as it should be. An overly idealistic mindset makes Libra especially miserable when faced with realistic dilemmas. When it comes to career, Librans are prone to fall into the trap of pursuing perfection. They want to be the best they can be, but overly high expectations often cause them to stumble when they encounter setbacks. In relationships, Libra is also prone to missing out on the right partner due to idealised expectations, leading to a lonely end.

Over-pursuit of balance leads to indecision
Librans are born with the gene for balance and are always looking for equilibrium in their lives, wanting things to work in harmony in all areas. This quality is a strength in many cases, but the over-seeking of balance leads Libra into indecision.
When faced with choices, Librans are always in a dilemma and fear losing their balance. They are afraid of making the wrong decision and causing their lives to spiral out of control. And this fear makes their decision-making process extremely painful. Especially when it comes to relationships and career, Libra’s indecisiveness often leads to missed opportunities and even affects the trajectory of their life.

Libra Strengths:

Romantic Relationships
Librans have a natural attraction to love and romantic relationships. They are good at expressing emotions and know how to create a romantic atmosphere. They usually seek equal and mutually respectful partnerships and are willing to invest time and energy in maintaining a harmonious relationship.

Fairness and Objectivity
Libra is known for their quest for fairness and balance. They consider all aspects when making a decision and strive to make the most just choice possible. This objective and rational approach makes them especially good in professions that require fair judgement, such as law, counselling or any job that requires a neutral stance.

Interpersonal Communication Skills
Librans are known for their excellent communication skills and social skills. They excel at expressing themselves verbally and are able to listen to others’ points of view. Their diplomacy and ability to mediate conflicts makes them excel in interpersonal relationships. Librans are usually pacifists and enjoy helping people find common ground and resolve differences.

Librans are usually excellent team players. They understand the importance of teamwork and are willing to work with others to achieve common goals. Their co-operative spirit and willingness to compromise helps teams work more smoothly and efficiently.

Aesthetic and Artistic Sense
Libra’s quest for beauty is evident in almost everything. They have a strong eye for aesthetics and an innate sense of art, design and fashion. Many Librans excel in the field of art, whether it be music, painting, design or other forms of artistic endeavour.