What is Sagittarius like with relationships? What’s it like when you’re not in love?

Sagittarius what attitude towards feelings:

In fact, in the matter of feelings, love and not love, there are these two very obvious differences in attitude. For example, when we love someone, our heart and eyes should be all about this person, and we can’t see the existence of other people. And if we do not love a person, even if this person in front of themselves, we may ignore the existence of such a person.
So about the breakup of this thing, in fact, many times as long as you are careful, in fact, is able to foresee. Because about a person’s heart there is no such thing as you, even if they do not use their mouths to say, but also in the actual action on the performance is very obvious.
Sagittarius is such a class of people, if they have lost confidence in a relationship, or no enthusiasm, there will be very obvious performance. And at this time, although they will not say that the break-up on the spot, but the result does not seem to change anything, just in giving you a time to get mentally prepared for it.
Maybe in the eyes of many people, Sagittarius on the relationship is a person who is not dedicated enough, because they like to pursue freshness, the pursuit of all the unknown, they have not tried things. So it will make people feel that they are easy to get bored after a period of time in love, and not stable enough in the relationship. But in fact, if the Sagittarius really love a person, is very know how to be satisfied with the truth.
Can because of a very small thing and satisfied, can because you give a sugar and happy day, also can because you go to coax them that attitude, and let go of the contradiction between the two people, back together. That’s why we always say that falling in love with them is actually a very easy process. But this does not mean that they are in the relationship is a no requirements, no principles of people. Sometimes if you want to shoot all feel this relationship lost the most original original intention, feel in this relationship can not feel happy words, may also represent the relationship between you to the end.

Sagittarius is not in love with what kind of time:

Signal three: avoid commitment and future planning
Although Sagittarius may seem spontaneous and uninhibited, they will also show an unprecedented sense of responsibility and planning ability in the face of the people they really care about. However, if you put forward about the future of the vision, or hope that they can give some commitment, Sagittarius began to flicker, and even directly avoid the issue. This kind of commitment to avoid, in fact, is in the silent tell you: their heart, not ready for you to stay.

Signal one: from “explorer” to “lone ranger”.
The most fascinating thing about Sagittarius in love is that they are willing to explore the world side by side with you. However, if you find that they begin to frequently act alone, whether it is a weekend trip plan, or daily dinner invitation, no longer seem so keen or frequent, and even begin to find excuses to avoid spending time with you. At this point, perhaps the Sagittarius heart that passion gradually faded signal. They began to enjoy the freedom of a person, rather than the warmth of the world of two people.

Signal 4: The “invisibility” of the circle of friends
Sagittarius likes to share their happiness with their friends, especially when they are in a relationship, and they are usually happy to introduce their other half to their social circle. But if you find yourself in his circle of friends seems to become “invisible”, never appeared in his party or activities, and even his friends know nothing about you. This deliberate concealment and isolation, it is likely that Sagittarius heart is no longer you as an important mate performance.

Signal two: the topic of the “sense of distance”
Sagittarius love to share, whether it is the life of a little interesting things, or deep thinking, are willing to talk to their loved ones. But if you find that your dialogue began to become superficial, he no longer take the initiative to share the inner world, or your topic seems distracted, and even occasionally with “well”, “oh” such a short answer to perfunctory. The appearance of this sense of distance often means that Sagittarius heart has quietly away.

Sagittarius does not love you signals are often hidden in these subtle changes. But remember, each person’s emotional expression is unique, astrological analysis can only be used as a reference, not an absolute standard. In the face of changes in feelings, the most important thing is to remain calm and rational, heart to feel each other’s true thoughts, and bravely face their hearts. After all, love is a matter of two people, need to work together to maintain and operate.