Character traits of a Taurus girl, how to get along with a Taurus woman?

Taurus, date of birth is from April 20 to May 20, the guardian planet is Venus, lucky colour is pink, slow and methodical Taurus likes to live life at his own pace, Taurus woman’s body always exudes the smell of mother earth, so people can not help but want to get close.

Character traits of Taurus girls:

Hardworking and serious
Taurus girls are just like the symbol of the sign “bull”, they can always persevere to do something, never give up halfway, they uphold the excellent qualities of the Taurus has always been, although they are not the kind of workaholic, but they are not lazy people in their bones, they will use the most direct action to show that their diligence, nothing can make her completely slack off. Nothing can make her completely slack down, for them to say, do things can not, but can not give up, they just like to do things, because that can play her light.

Super possessive is also a Taurus girl character traits, Taurus from a young age, the desire to monopolise is very obvious, their own things will not allow others to touch, whether it is on their own personal belongings, or friends, or their own family, are showing strong possessiveness, easy to jealousy, jealousy, sulking. They feel that all good things should belong to them, and what they have can not be shared with others. Inside a relationship, Taurus’ possessiveness grows stronger and stronger, and sometimes it even behaves very outrageously, usually making that one’s lover feel very uncomfortable.

Gentle and considerate
Taurus girls character temperament is known as gentle and considerate, although always silent, but looks very gentle, good temper, good use of clever communication skills to make people comfortable with her exchanges, get along with people will have a kind of blunt, harmonious feeling, as if in a hot bath, they speak slowly and is well thought out, rich and firm. If you are friends with a Taurus girl, you will have a strong feeling of being included, she is like a big sister who knows what she is doing, and seems to be gentle and down-to-earth.

Dedicated and faithful
Dedicated and faithfulness is highly rated in the Taurus personality, and they don’t have the time, energy or capital to play the game of love. They have always felt that all marriages that do not aim at marriage are hooligans, and there is absolutely no need to talk about that kind of fruitless love. Especially Taurus women, they rarely seem to be a shrewd and competent look, but they do have a strong and unyielding temperament, when you are in trouble, she will never leave you, she will be strong with you through the difficulties.

Down-to-earth and pragmatic
Taurus women have a reputation for pragmatic, they have a stable, gentle temperament, do things also down-to-earth and hard work, in life, you can repeatedly think about a thing that others are not willing to think about, a variety of trivialities is especially good at money, Taurus has a natural sensitivity, the use of money is very cautious, you can rest assured that the financial powers to her custody, Taurus women will be meticulous, as far as possible to improve the quality of life, their life is not a good idea, they will be a good idea. To improve the quality of life, their wisdom of life will not give you a blank cheque, is a real doer.

Slow and Methodical
Taurus women although hardworking, but the action is too slow, most of the Taurus girls are very insistent on the pace of things done, absolutely step by step, and very much do not like others to urge her, because they treat every step is very serious, and must meet their own standards, down-to-earth, and when they are very serious, it will be slowed down, no matter what they do is very stable, and will not go against the grain, is notoriously very patient, but moves too slowly, and whatever they do, they need a very ample amount of time, or else they won’t be able to do anything right.

Most Taurus women have strong self-management ability, they are very good at controlling their own emotions, to overcome all the less favourable things in life, in addition, Taurus girls are a very opinionated person, they are very clear about their life goals, and with their own willpower and self-control ability to move forward to the goal, even if her actual height is less than five feet, she also has the ability to overcome all the difficulties of life, great vigour and strength. all the difficulties in her life with great vigour and strong perseverance until she reaches her goal.

Taurus character is generally very stubborn, Taurus female surface gentle, in fact, very stubborn, they stick to the usual rhythm, afraid of their own life is disrupted, Taurus girl’s stubborn and Taurus male a little different, they are more is completely ignored by the other side, if the Taurus male can listen to the views of others once in a while, then the Taurus female is a complete veto of the other side, so they have a different idea of the time, they will firmly believe that they are right, so they will have a different idea of the time. Will firmly believe that they are correct, as long as it is determined that things will stick to the end, will not be easily shaken by others, it is what we often say, “Nine head of cattle can not pull back”.

Lack of self-confidence
Taurus girls deep down is often very unconfident, encountered setbacks and failures, will make them depressed, discouraged, out of the dilemma for Taurus women is not an easy thing, often in a period of time to close themselves up, afraid of family and friends of the enquiry and concern, must give her enough time to rebuild confidence. Taurus girls character is relatively slow heat, if you have a Taurus friend around, it takes a long time to open up the heart, continue to go down, and such a person to make friends but need a lot of patience, slowly comfort and encourage her to help her regain confidence as soon as possible.

Material reality
Taurus girls are very realistic, especially in love, their choice of spouse standard is very high, and material factors are also the most important factors they consider, some because they need more security, because the material is to ensure stability and harmony of the foundation of life. Some are simply because Taurus girls greedy enjoyment, Taurus girls very much like wealth to bring satisfaction and security, itself this characteristic is no excuse, but if the performance is too obvious, it becomes a Taurus girl’s shortcomings.

How to get along with a Taurus woman:

Appreciate her aesthetics
Taurus girls usually have a unique appreciation of beauty. Whether it’s artwork, clothing or home furnishings, they have their own taste. Appreciate her aesthetics and even participate in the creation of beauty together.

Respect her values
Taurus girls usually have a very traditional and practical set of values. Understand and respect her values, and even if you don’t completely agree, show your understanding and respect for her views.

Build a sense of security
A Taurus girl needs stability and security. Show your reliability and commitment when you are with her. Maintain your commitment and show in your actions that you are a dependable partner.

Honesty is key
Loyalty and honesty are vital to the Taurus girl. They do not tolerate cheating and infidelity. Being honest at all times, even in the smallest of things, is the foundation on which trust is built.

Enjoy quiet times
Unlike the thrill-seeking signs, Taurus girls enjoy calm and quiet times. Arranging soothing activities such as cooking together, watching a film or simply going for a walk is a way to spend time together that will make her feel relaxed and content.

Show your patience
Taurus girls tend not to be impatient in dealing with things and they like to move at their own pace. Therefore, spending time with her requires a great deal of patience. Don’t rush her but give her enough time and space to make decisions.

Enjoy Nature
Taurus is closely associated with the element of earth, and they enjoy the serenity and beauty of nature. Plan outdoor activities with her, such as picnics, hiking or gardening, which will delight and relax her.

Satisfy her sensual pleasures
Taurus girls have an innate love for sensual pleasures, whether it’s good food, good music or cosy surroundings. You can satisfy her quest for nice things by cooking a delicious dinner together or taking her to a concert.

Steady as she goes
Taurus girls like stability and orderly progress. Avoid sudden changes and impulsive decisions in your relationship and life plans. Make plans with her and implement them steadily.

Financial Stability
Taurus girls value material security, so financial stability is important to them. Showing that you value financial grounding and a stable life while planning for the future will put her at ease.

Getting along with a Taurus girl is a slow but profound process. Their stability, patience and love for beauty will gradually introduce you to a world of warmth, harmony and enjoyment. Keep in mind that patience and stability are the cornerstones of a deep relationship with a Taurus girl. As you gradually earn her trust, you will find that every day in her world is filled with serene happiness.